Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Day 7 and my first follow up...Doc, you look like hell!

The first week went down yesterday in a not so stellar start to this whole thing.  I was able to see my Dr for our weekly meeting and it started off a little funny.  My Dr is a fairly young guy and very well dressed and well coifed.  When he walked in he looked worn down.  So, to save us all some time in the how do you do's and set it straight how things were I say, "morning doc, you look tired.  Is my chemo treatment wearing you down?  He laughed and said, 'let's focus on you for starters'.  So I shot back, "the only way I want you focusing on me is on all cylinders, get some sleep before our next meeting so I feel like you're the man with a plan".  He laughed and agreed, and we moved on to me.  First he looks at my chart and says something is wrong with your weight.  So I say, "great, cancer isn't enough for you, now you're gonna start with the fat jokes, real nice".  'No' he says, 'this can't be right, get on that scale for me'....'ok, let's go across the hall and get on that scale, well, i'm not happy at all with this, you are down 13 pounds in 7 days!'  

Mark's response..."Doc, you have the worlds best diet plan going, we can fund cancer research with all the fat money you'll be getting from the Atkins people!"  This he didn't find funny.  He was not happy with me.  Well sorry for feeling like crap, maybe it's all the poison you filled me with.  He gave me an IV with some new stuff to try out and about 2 hours later I felt the best I had in the prior week.  It gave me a ton of energy and so Tuesday night we had a visit from some friends and family and I ate like a horse for the first time.  I definitely learned a key lesson, I have to let him know when things aren't going perfect.  I was trying to suck it up and figured a little nausea is to be I now.  

From an emotional standpoint last night was huge.  I was really getting down on the process and how much I was hurting so early on.  Now I know it was my pig headedness hurting myself.  No longer baby.  Those Doctors and nurses are going to get to know me pretty well coming up.

Today, Wednesday I already had a radiation treatment at 8 and I go back in for a second at 3.  This way I can skip Friday.  I said to my radiologist, "hey, if we can do two a days, how about we do two every Thursday and you can take some extra long weekends going forward?"  Yeah, that was shot down pretty quickly.  THough I have to give her credit.  No more dilly dallying with the answers after our first meeting.  She just says, "uh, no" now.  If you recall it used to go more like:

Mark:  dr, can I have a drink during 4th of July?
Dr: well, I think you may not be up to it
Mark: well, if I'm feeling ok I could right
Dr: well, your body will be under a lot of stress
Mark:  Ok, but just a couple aren't gonna kill me right
Dr: well, i'd really prefer that.....
Mark: Dr, hold on.  Let's cut to the chase.  If the answer is no, say no.  Otherwise we go with the Dumb and Dumber approach which says "so what your saying is that there's a chance!"
Dr:  "ok, NO"
Mark Well there we go.  Thanks.

The Dana Farber people again are unbelievable.  The compassion they show is crazy.  I saw an older woman today with a thick accent in a wheelchair by herself.  I asked if she needed anything and you could see she was very independent and said she was fine.  An admin nurse stopped by, knelt beside her and I heard her say she had her hair shaved off.  She asked them to cut it and put a hat on her head and she didn't want to see it.  It was clearly very impactful to her.  The nurse stayed for 20 minutes sharing with her other stories and how everything will come back better than ever.  As she walked by I said to her "I hope I get the same compassion when I shave off my thick mane!"  The lady in the wheelchair may have peed a little by the time she finished laughing.  It just amazes me the compassion and time these people devote to the soul, never mind the disease.  Kudos to you all.  God Bless You!


  1. OK, so I am an idiot. Before I write my comment for a third time, let me send this brief test message.

  2. OK, that's better. I have now figured out how to post on your blog. Let me procede. A man has a colonoscopy, which is completely normal. A week later he goes to see his doctor, and asks a favor. "Doc, can you write a note to my wife that states that my head is indeed not up my ass!" Ah, medical humor. I'll see if I can come up with some oncology jokes (is that an oxymoron?) that you can share with the folks that will be poking at you for the next several weeks. You have discovered that chemo is one lousy weight loss method. Any favorit foods that we can drop by the house? Remember, my friend, people come from all over to sit in the same chairs that you are, because those docs and their staff are the best at making people well. From a fellow Seger fan, "Just then I saw a young hawk flying and my soul began to rise." Hang tough.

  3. Mark, every food already tastes like crap. I've tried everything. I can't wait for the feeding tube so I can drink and get food in me without wanting to hurl. LIke the joke!
